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Evaluation of novel core-shell polysaccharide-based chiral columns for separation of enantiomers in high-performance liquid chromatogrpahy

Author: Giorgi Jibuti
Co-authors: A.Bardavelidze, L.Bezhitashvili, T.Orjinikidze, A. Gogolashvili

Chromatographic adsorbents based on superficially porous (also referred to as fused-core or core-shell) silica are rapidly establishing themselves as the most promising media for achiral separations in high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Some of their advantages are faster mass transfer between the mobile and stationary phase and more uniform particle size distribution leading to more homogeneous packed beds (resulting in higher plate numbers), as well as enabling faster separations without significant loss in column performance. Although a few studies have been published on the use of core-shell silica particles for enantioseparations in HPLC, their potential as supports for the preparation of chiral stationary phases (CSP) has not been adequately studied yet. The use of core-shell silica-based stationary phases has been successfully demonstrated in various separation modes (RP, HILIC, etc.) and for both small and large molecules. While fast mass-transfer is expected to have a more significant impact in the analysis of large molecules (e.g. proteins), in practice core-shell silica is used extensively for the analysis of small molecules (such as pharmaceuticals, environmental pollutants, etc.). This success in the analysis of low relative molecular mass (Mr) species has been attributed primarily to a significant decrease in the value equivalent to a theoretical plate (HETP) brought about by limited eddy dispersion and molecular diffusion contributions for columns made with core-shell particles.In this study the separation performance of chiral stationary phases (CSPs) made of polysaccharide-based chiral selectors coated onto superficially porous (core-shell or fused-core) silica supports were evaluated. High column performance r was observed.

Lecture files:

Evaluation of novel core-shell polysaccharide-based chiral columns for separation of enantiomers in high-performance liquid chromatogrpahy [en]
ახალი ტიპის ზედაპირულად აქტიური გლუვი სილიკაგელის პოლისაქარიდული ქირალური სვეტების ენანტიომერული დაყოფის შეფასება მაღალეფექტურ სითხურ ქრომატოგრაფიაში [ka]

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